På verdens broderidag 30. juli 2022 lancerede vi de to broderikits KHORTYTSIA og TRUKHANIV, der begge er clutches med inspiration fra traditionelle ukrainske mønstre. Broderimønstrene er designet i samarbejde med Ira Simonchuk, der kom til Danmark i starten af året, da krigen brød ud i Ukraine.
Kunne du tænke dig at lære Ira lidt bedre at kende, så læs med herunder, hvor hun svarer på tolv spørgsmål til Kit Coutures vennebog. Dette er første artikel i vores serie af vennebøger med fokus på mentalt helbred.
If I were to describe myself with three words...
Creative, persistent and honest
This is what crafting does for my mental health...
I must say that the embroidery itself does not bring me any kind of relaxation. For me, embroidery is one of the creation tools for my artwork. But for me the whole process of creating is really important, from the sketch to the finished product. When I create something, I feel that I am in the right place. This is a very important feeling for mental health - that you are not wasting your life, but doing what you need and love, and also that people like it.
My first ever crafting project was...
I think everyone did "craft projects" when they were children. But I didn’t start embroidering seriously until I studied at the university.
I'm least proud of this crafting project...
There were projects where I did not create a design, but simply did embroidery according to someone else's design. It was nice and neat, but I can't be proud of it.
I'm most proud of this crafting project...
Both of my graduate works. It's huge artworks with handmade embroidery.
I always have this in my project bag...
Pencil case with pencil and black liner + moleskin
The perfect crafting moment for me is...
There is no perfect moment
I find creative inspiration here...
Architecture, nature, museums, books and pinterest of course
This is what I do to take care of my mental health...
1. Good communication with family and friends and knowing they're all right. 2. Sleep well. 3. Order in business and around yourself. 4.Financial stability. These are simple but important things.
I want to learn...
It's not related to creativity, but now all I want to learn is languages. It is difficult to build communication in a foreign country when you do not speak the language well. It's also important for my mental health right now. Because right now I can't live safely in my country, so I have to make working and friendly relations in a foreign language.
My favourite Kit Couture design is...
All the designs of HVASS & HANNIBAL. Because I’m a big fan of these two ladies and all that they do is just amazing. They are really professionals!
Some life advice I want to pass on...
War makes you look at the world with clear eyes and cut off the excess. Do what you want, don't be afraid and live. Call your loved ones and tell them how much you love them, this is the most important thing.